由于传统的气相色谱仪外围接口电路存在不通用缺陷,且控制核心单片机无法满足现代气相色谱仪对多维图谱大量数据处理的要求。针对上述问题,研究了一种基于STM32F101VB微处理器的气相色谱仪控制电路。该微处理器使用高性能的ARM Cortex-M3 32位的RISC内核,具有增强I/O端口和APB总线的功能,适用于气相色谱仪的新型控制核心。该设计满足了现代气相色谱仪对通用接口和多维大量数据处理的要求。
The traditional gas chromatograph peripheral interface circuits are not universal and the microcon- troller core of the old gas chromatograph can not meet multidimensional data processing of large patterns requirements. A gas chromatograph control circuitry based on STM32F101 VB microprocessor is proposed. The microproces- sor, with high performance ARM Cortex-M3 32 bit RISC kernel and enhanced I/O port and APB bus, is applicable to new control core of the gas chromatograph. This design meets the requirements of common interface and multidi- mensional data processing of modern gas chromatography.
Electronic Science and Technology