并行软件的开发始终是并行应用技术发展的难点之一 .要开发高效、灵活、复用性好的并行软件更是困难 .为了在一定程度上解决这个问题 ,我们从层次式结构、设计模式和面向对象应用框架等技术角度出发 ,研制了面向专业领域的 HOOPE并行开发环境 .本文在对该环境作简单介绍的基础上 ,着重分析其开发效率和所开发软件的并行性能 .并由此得出结论 :HOOPE是一个适合开发大规模并行计算任务的简单实用。
Developing parallel applications is always one of the difficulties in the evolution of parallel application technology. It is harder to acquire efficient, flexible and reusable parallel software. For the purpose of solving such problem in some degree, we base on the following three techniques: hierarchical architecture, design patterns and object oriented framework to research and develop a domain oriented parallel environment HOOPE. In this paper, first we introduce this environment ,then analyze its developing efficiency and the parallel performance of its application, and finally draw a conclusion that the parallel developing environment HOOPE, which is especially suitable for large scale computing tasks, is easy use, efficient, flexible and open.
Journal of Chinese Computer Systems
国家自然科学基金项目!(6 98730 2 1)
国家杰出青年基金项目! (6 15 2 5 2 0 4)资助