利用差分方法对水质污浊的扩散问题进行研究 ,针对不规则区域的初边值问题构造了高精度的差分格式 ,并对初边值条件进行了恰当的处理 .首先给出了三层显格式绝对不稳定的证明 ,其次利用θ =1/ 2时的加权隐格式 ,对该问题进行数值求解 。
In this paper,we study the diffusion problem of water pollution with the finite difference method and concept a difference scheme about the initial and boundary conditions of the irregular region,that is high accuracy,and properly deal with the initial and boundary value problem.First,we prove the absolutely instable on the tree level explicit difference scheme and then apply weighted implicit difference scheme with \$θ=12,\$ we get numerical solution about this problem,and obtain satisfied numerical results.