【目的】探讨细胞周期调节因子在鼻咽癌复发中的作用。【方法】采用LsAB法同时检测 6 9例患者原发和复发鼻咽癌组织中p5 3、MDM2 、p2 1ras和p2 1WAF1蛋白的表达。【结果】复发癌与原发癌相比 :阳性表达率方面 ,p5 3蛋白 (78%和80 % )或MDM2 蛋白 (84%和 83% )很相近 ,p2 1ras蛋白 (73%和 93% )或p2 1WAF1蛋白 (5 2 %和 84% )明显下降 ;高表达率方面 ,p5 3蛋白 (4 2 %和 5 1% )很相近 ,MDM2 蛋白 (5 7%和 32 % )明显升高 ,p2 1ras蛋白 (16 %和 6 5 % )或 p2 1WAF1蛋白 (17%和 46 % )明显下降。其中 ,MDM2 蛋白表达水平在复发癌明显升高主要见于复发间期 <34个月患者组 (P <0 0 5 ) ,p2 1ras蛋白和 p2 1WAF1蛋白表达水平在复发癌明显下降见于复发间期 <34个月和≥ 34个月患者组 (均 <0 0 2以下 )。【结论】原发鼻咽癌临床治愈后 ,p5 3蛋白和MDM2 蛋白过度表达以及 p2 1WAF1蛋白低表达或不表达可能仍然对鼻咽癌的复发起重要作用 ;MDM2 蛋白表达水平显著升高和p2
To explore the role of cell cycle regulators in nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) relapse. To assay p53, MDM 2, p21 ras and p21 WAF1 proteins by LsAB immunohistochemical technique in 69 cases of primary and relapsing NPC tissues. As compared with primary NPC, the expression rate of p53 or MDM 2 protein in relapsing NPC was similar (78% to 80%, 84% to 83%), and the expression rate of p21 ras or p21 WAF1 protein in relapsing NPC was obviously descended (73% to 93%, 52% to 84% ); the high expression rate of p53 protein in relapsing NPC was similar (42% to 51%), the high expression rate of MDM 2 protein in relapsing NPC was obviously risen (57% to 32%), and the high expression rate of p21 ras or p21 WAF1 protein in relapsing NPC was obviously descended (16% to 65%, 17% to 46%). Among of them, the significant rise of MDM 2 protein expression level in relapsing NPC mainly occurred in the patients of group 2 which relapsing interval was shorter than 34 months, P<0 05; the significant descent of p21 ras or p21 WAF1 protein expression level in relapsing NPC occurred in the patients of group 2 and group 1 which relapsing interval was equal to or longer than 34 months, P<0 02,respectively. [Conclusions] The overexpression of p53 and MDM 2 proteins and the low or negative expression of p21 WAF1 protein after clinical cure might still play an important role in NPC relapse, the obvious rise of MDM 2 protein level and the obvious descent of p21 WAF1 protein level might further accelarate the process of NPC relapse.
Academic Journal of Sun Yat-sen University of Medical Sciences
卫生部科学研究基金资助项目 ( 96 2 0 76 )