从 1 2 C原子核的 α粒子结构观点出发 ,应用 1 2 C原子核内 α粒子的形状因子和跃迁形状因子 ,在Glauber散射理论框架下 ,计算了共振区内能量为 Tπ=1 50 ,1 80 Me V,π-1 2 C的 2 + (4 .4 3 Me V)和 3 -(9.64 Me V)非弹性散射微分截面 .理论结果与实验较好地符合 .
Basing on the view point of the α particle structure of the 12C nucleus,the form factor and the transition form factor of the α particle in 12C nucleus are as inputs,the inelastic scattering of pion- 12C for 2+ (4.43MeV) and 3- (9.64MeV) at T_π=150,180MeV are studied within Glauber scattering theory.The calculated differential cross sections show better agreement with the experimental data.
Journal of Guangxi Normal University:Natural Science Edition
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (1 0 0 62 0 0 1 )
广西自然科学基金资助项目 (981 1 0 2 4 )