目的:研究国产左氧氟沙星片剂(可乐必妥)的相对生物利用度并求证该制剂的生物等效性。方法:21名男性健康受试者随机交叉给药,分别口服单剂量左氧氟沙星国产片剂(试验制剂)及进口片剂(参比制剂),采用反相高效液相色谱法测定血及尿药浓度,计算两者的药代动力学参数及相对生物利用度,并求证国产片与进口片的等效性。结果:口服左氧氟沙星200mg国产及进口片剂的主要药代力学参数t1/26分别为6.14±0.46和6.24±0.48h;t0.92±0.40h;Cmax分别为 2,76 ± 0.47和 2.69 ± 0,45 mg·L-1;AUCo-p;分别为 18.15 ± 2.23和 18.07±2.01 mg·h·L-1; AUC0-9.31± 2.28和 19.27± 2.04(mg·L-1)*h。48h尿药累积排泄百分率分别为 76.82%± 6.92%和 75.45%± 8.21%。经计算试验制剂(国产)对于参比制剂(进口)的平均相对生物利用度AUC0-t;为100.98%±11.57%,AUC0- 0.67% ± 0.58%。两种片剂的AUCO0-、 AUC0-及 Cmax经对数转换后多因素方差分析结果显示,周期间及处方间均无显著性差异(
OBJECTIVE:The aim of this research is to study the relative bioavailability of levofloxacin tablet in Chinese healthy volunteers and to evaluate the bioequivalence. METHODS: A single oral dose 200mg of domestic and imported levofloxacin tablets was given to 21 healthy volunteers in a randomized cross-over study. The concentrations of levofloxacin in serum and urine were determined by HPLC. Results: the main pharmacokinetic parameters of two formulations,domestic and imported tablet, were as follows: t1/2b, were 6.14 f 0.46 and 6.24 f 0.48 h; tmax were 0.92 1 0.40 and 0.95 t 0.41 h; Cmax were 2.76 1 0.47 and 2.69 f 0.45 mg.L-1, AUCo-t,were 18.15 1 2.23 and 18.07 1 2.01 mg.L-1, AUCo- were 19.31 1 2.28 and 19.27 1 2.04 mg.L-1, respectively. The 48-hour cumulative urinary excretion rate were 76.82% t 6.92% and 75.45% f 8.21%. The relative bioavailability of AUCo-t and AUCo- were 100.98% I l.57% and 100.67% f 0.58%. The results of ANOVA and two one-sided t test statistical analysis for in AUCo-t、 In AUCo- and in Cmax showed that two formulations were bioequivalent. The 90% confidence interval of AUCo-t and AUCo- were 96.05%-104.95% and 96.20%-104.21%, in the range of 80-125%; Cmax was 95.97%-109.10%, also in the range of 70-143%,so the two tablets were bioequivalent. CONCLUSION: The domestic and imported levofloxacin tablets were bioequivalent.
The Chinese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology