欧盟共同安全政策是法德军事合作 (或者说对抗 )关系在冷战后发展的逻辑结果 ,它从一开始就是为了控制德国、束缚德国而设计的 ,经历了一个从超国家机构安全体系到双边合作 ,再到多国家的共同政策这样一个历程。由于缺乏信任和美国政策的影响 ,法德双方几次深化合作的尝试最终都失败了。欧盟共同安全政策的产生并没有消除法德双方在关键问题上的分歧 ,因此 。
The common security policy of the EU is the logical result of the cooperation(Conflict) of France and germany.At first,it was designed as a measure to control and restrain Germany.Then it became a super national security system and bilateral cooperation.At last,it was developed as a common policy of many nations.Because of lacking confidence and the impact from the US,the attempt to deepen the cooperation by France and Germany ended as a failure for several times.Since the common security policy of the EU has not really get rid of the difference between France and Germany,it is difficult to control and estimate the developing tendency and role of this policy.
Wuhan University Journal:Philosophy & Social Science
中国 -欧盟高等教育合作项目 ( 4 0 40 0 6 3/99)