采用溶胶 -凝胶法制备了 Ti O2 / Si O2 和不同浓度 Fe3+掺杂的 Fe3+ / Ti O2 / Si O2 复合纳米粉末 ,并利用XRD、BET、UV-vis等手段研究了 Ti O2 / Si O2 及掺铁形成的 Fe3+ / Ti O2 / Si O2 复合微粒的表面结构形态变化 ,以及对污染物 NO- 2 光催化降解的影响 .结果表明 ,Fe3+ / Ti O2 / Si O2 (ω( Fe3+ ) =1 .5 % ,m( Ti)∶ m( Si) =2∶ 1 )具有最佳活性 ,样品呈晶化度较低的锐钛矿结构 .Fe3+ 掺杂导致晶粒的增大 ,稳定性降低 ,大大提高了半导体的光催化活性 ,有利于对低浓度 NO- 2
Fe 3+ /TiO 2/SiO 2 complex particles with doped Fe 3+ were prepared by the sol gel method. XRD, BET, UV vis techniques were used for their characterization and studying the influences on the heterogeneous photocatalytic degradation of nitrite. The UV light photocatalytic activity of the complex particles were found higher than those of TiO 2/SiO 2.The mose active catalyst was Fe 3+ /TiO 2/SiO 2, ω (Fe 3+ )=1 5%, m (Ti)∶ m (Si)=2∶1. It is a low crystlline anatase. The doped Fe 3+ increased the particle size of titanium oxide semiconductor and lowers its stability, enhancing the light photocatalytic activity for NO - 2 degradation.
Chinese Journal of Applied Chemistry
陕西省教委自然科学专项科研基金资助项目 ( 97JK0 41)