数字高程模型 (DEM)的地形解析能力在提取地貌特征中的应用已经十分广泛 ,流域的坡面汇流分析及径流的数字模拟工作也随之展开。但是目前分析中常用的方格网络模型、等高线网络模型和不规则三角网络模型在应用中都存在着很大的缺陷 ,因此本文提出了一种融合方格网络和等高线网络的 DEM- TIN网络模型 ,该模型具有上述三种模型的优点。同时以 DEM数据和数字线划图 (DL G)为基础 ,设计了这种模型的简易生成算法。
Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is widely used in the analysis of water converging on the drainage area slope surface, but the traditional methods (such as square-grid networks, contour-based networks and triangulated irregular networks) all have many limitations. To solve this problem, this paper put forward a new method (TIN-DEM) which synthesizes the virtues of the three above, at the same time,the author designed an easy algorithm to produce the TIN-DEM model.
Science of Surveying and Mapping