
常温快速磷化工艺 被引量:4

Technology of Fast Phosphate Coating at Room Temperature
摘要 讨论了钢铁常温快速磷化成膜机理 ,以及常温磷化液的成分及其含量、酸度、温度及磷化时间等工艺参数对膜层性能的影响。利用正交试验法试制出一种性能优良的常温快速磷化钝化液及其处理工艺。该工艺不仅节能、效率高 ,且磷化膜附着力和耐蚀性好 ,膜层与漆膜的结合良好 。 Fast filming mechanism of phosphate coating for steel at room temperature was discussed.The effect of constituent and acidity of the solution,temperature and coating time on phosphate coating film quality were also discussed in detail.The optimum technical parameters of the phosphate coating for steel at room temperature were determined by orthogonal test.A new phosphate coating solution and the technique at room temperature with stable and high quality performance has been developed.It is a energy saving and high efficiency process.The phosphate coating with good adhesion and resistance is a good primer for paint.
出处 《金属热处理》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第11期41-42,共2页 Heat Treatment of Metals
关键词 常温 磷化 钢铁材料 磷化液 steel and iron room temperature fast phosphate coating influencing factors
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