目的 :探讨 Nd:YAG激光治疗后房型人工晶体 (Posterior Chamber Intraocular L ens,Pc IOL)前纤维蛋白膜 (前膜 )后眼压升高与所用激光参数的关系 ,为临床治疗选择合适的激光参数 ,并为防止术后眼压升高提供实验室依据。方法 :对 2 8只 Pc IOL前膜形成眼行 1~ 7次 (X±SD=2 .2 5± 1.4 0 ) Nd:YAG激光治疗。每次激光治疗总能量 10~ 34 8m J(X±SD=92 .62± 62 .4 6) ,脉冲数 4~ 15 0脉冲 (X±SD=4 4 .19± 2 5 .91) ,单脉冲能量 0 .5~ 4 .4 m J(X±SD=2 .0 6± 0 .78)。随访激光后视力和前膜吸收情况 ,观察每眼每次激光治疗前后眼压情况 ,分析激光后眼压变化与每次治疗所用激光总能量 ,脉冲数和单脉冲能量之间的关系。结果 :本组 19只 (19/ 2 8)眼激光治疗后 5米标准对数视力表视力提高两行或两行以上 ;6只眼 (6/ 2 8)视力提高一行 ;3只眼 (3/ 2 8)视力保持不变。所有前膜激光治疗后均吸收。 2 7只眼激光治疗后眼压在正常范围 ,1只眼眼压为 30 mm Hg。统计学检验结果显示 ,每次激光治疗所用总能量和脉冲数与激光治疗后眼压改变呈正相关关系。所用单脉冲能量与激光后眼压变化无关。结论 :Nd:YAG激光膜切除术是治疗 Pc IOL前膜的有效临床手段。在治疗中应尽量使用低而有效的单脉冲激光能量和尽可能少?
Objective: To investigate the relationship between the intraocular pressure (IOP) after Nd:YAG membranectomy for the anterior fibrinous membrane on posterior chamber intraocular lens (PcIOL) and the total energy used for each treatment, the number of laser pulses and the energy of each pulse. Methods: Nd:YAG membranectomies ranging from 1~7 (X±SD = 2.25±1.40) were performed to 28 eyes with the anterior fibrinous membrane on PcIOL. The total energy of Nd:YAG laser for each treatment was 10~348 mJ (X±SD = 92.62±62.46), the number of laser pulses 4~150 (X±SD = 44.19±25.91) and the energy of each pulse 0.6~4.4 mJ (X±SD = 2.06±0.78 ). The visual acuity (VA), the resolution of the membranes and the IOP were followed. The relationship between the IOP and the total energy for each treatment, the number of pulses and the energy of each pulse were analyzed. Results:It was found that 19 eyes (19/28) had VA improved more than 2 lines in standard logarithm visual acuity test chart , 6 eyes (6/28) had an improvement of more than 1 line and the rest (3/28) remained unchanged. All anterior fibrinous membranes were resolved. No significant change of the IOP was found in 27 of 28 treated eyes. The elevation of the IOP after each treatment was found to positively correlate to the total laser energy and the number of laser pulses used but the energy of each pulse. Conclusion: Nd:YAG membranectomy is an effective treatment for the anterior fibrinous membrane on PcIOL. To reduce the risk of IOP elevation after laser treatment, the number of pulses should be controlled as few as possible and the energy of each pulse should be as low as possible.
Applied Laser