通过对垂直管内溶液降膜吸收过程特点的分析 ,建立了垂直管内TFE/NMP降膜吸收过程中热、质传递物理和数学模型。充分考虑了吸收液膜膜厚的变化 ,以及横向对流项对液膜内热、质传递和气液界面处热量流率及质量流率的影响。采用适当有限差分法对数学模型进行数值求解 ,得出温度、浓度分布及界面质量、热量流率等参数。通过对算例计算结果的分析 ,得到一些相关结论。
A theoretical analysis of heat and mass transfer of falling film absorption in a vertical tube using 2,2,2-Trifluoroethano1/N-Methylpyrolidon(TFE/NMP) as working fluid under laminar flow are described. In the physical model and governing equations presented here, the variation of falling film thickness and the effects of the radial convective term on heat and mass transfer, heat and mass fluxes at interface between liquid and gas are considered. The governing equations with related boundary conditions are solved by suitable numerical finite difference method and then the distributions of solution temperature and concertration and heat and mass fluxes at the interface are obtained. Further more, some relevant conclusions are given by analyzing calculation results.
Fluid Machinery
国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 5 9876 0 0 6 )