采用规模为 10m3 /d左右的一体式膜 生物反应器对某毛纺厂毛染废水的处理进行了中试研究 ,整个系统在现场实际条件下连续运行了 16 0d。试验结果表明 :用此装置处理毛染废水 ,出水水质稳定良好。与厌氧酸化预处理的联合使用可以进一步提高系统对COD和色度的去除效果。系统出水COD <2 0mg/L ,无SS ,色度 <4度 ,水质明显优于该毛纺厂现有接触氧化处理工艺出水。在一体式膜 生物反应器中 ,活性污泥对污染物的去除起主要作用 ,而膜分离对维持稳定的系统出水起到了重要作用。运行期间 。
A integral MBR pilot plant experiment with capacity of 10 m 3/d was operated continuously in site for 160 days to treat wool dyeing wastewater. The results have shown that the effluent of this process is good and stable in quality. The COD and colority removals can be increased if a pre-treatment of anaerobic acidification is employed. The effluent of this system with COD<20 mg/L, colority<4 degree and SS free, is evidently better than that of existing facility with contact oxidation process. In the integral MBR system, the activated sludge is the key factor to remove COD, and MBR fulfills the effluent stabilization. Air aeration and on-line chemical rinsing were conducted at the pilot-plan run to retard the contamination of the membrane.
Water & Wastewater Engineering