系统边际电价作为电力市场最终的交易价格 ,对电力交易有着重要的影响。国内外现有电力市场中 ,为了保证市场交易的公平性 ,通常将电价申报曲线强制定义为单调上升型 ,造成申报电价与电力生产成本相背离。文中提出一种新的边际电价确定方案以及相应的电力竞争模式 ,能够处理包括下降型在内的各种形状的电价曲线。在保证电力交易结果的合理性的前提下 ,新的电价体系可以在任何电价情况下获得一个随负荷增长单调增加的系统边际电价 ,避免了传统边际电价定义体系中无法在保证竞争公平性的前提下处理下降型报价的缺点。
System marginal price (SMP) determines the final electrical price and greatly influences the electricity trade. However, in order to guarantee the fairness of the electricity trade, the bidding price curves of the market participants in present market models are ordered to be ascending ones, which deviate from the native generation cost curve. A novel definition of SMP and a new principle of power dispatch are proposed in this paper. They can be used in the generation competition with bidding price curves of different shapes, including decreasing curves, to provide reasonable results. No matter what types of price curves the sellers offer, an increasing curve of total supply can be achieved in the new definition and principle. The unfairness in the generation competition when some participants bid decreasing price curves can be overcome.
Automation of Electric Power Systems
国家重点基础研究专项经费资助项目 (G19980 2 0 311