
低能N^+离子束注入香瓜种子引起的变异及后代基因组的RAPD分析 被引量:14

Study in Mutation of Muskmelon Genome DNA due to Low Energy N^+ Implantation Using RAPD
摘要 用低能N+离子束对香瓜种子进行不同能量和剂量组合的处理。从各处理组与对照组当代和第三代苗期形态特征观察、考种中发现 :在一定能量和剂量组合下 ,处理组香瓜叶型和果肉厚度发生了明显的变化 ,这种形态学变化是可遗传的。应用随机引物扩增多态性DNA (RandomamplifiedpolymorphicDNA即RAPD)技术分析对照组和注入低能N+离子束处理组的香瓜总DNA的结果显示 :10 0种随机引物中的 2 4种引物扩增出 44条多态性片段 ,且其中一种引物所扩增的条带与叶型变化相连锁。表明低能N+注入香瓜种子可引起其基因组DNA发生变异 ,一定注入剂量和能量的组合 ,可导致特异性的变异。 Using the low energy N + implantation to treat the seeds of muskmelon in different energy level and dosage. What we can conclude from the observation and seed-checking on morphic fectures of the treating group and comparison groups current generation and third generation is:apparent changes incurred to the leaf shape and the thickness of muskmelon when being treated by certain level of energy and dosage which can be inherited. The result of RAPD technical analytical group and low energy N + implantation group clearly indicated:24 kinds of primers among the 100 kinds of random primer have amplified 44 polymorphic segments,also one particular primer-amplfied belt is interlocking with its leaf shape change. This shows N + implantation can cause genome DNA to mutate,a combination of certain dosage and energy can ultimately lead to the singular mutation.
出处 《激光生物学报》 CAS CSCD 2002年第1期75-78,共4页 Acta Laser Biology Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金重大资助项目 (No :119890 30 0 ) 国家重点科技攻关资助项目 (No :96 - 5 38- 0 2 - 0 1)
关键词 香瓜 N^+注入 叶型 RAPD分析 离子束注入 遗传变异 后代 基因组 RAPD Muskmelon Ion-beam implantion Leaf shape RAPD analysis
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