
《史记》乃“无韵之《离骚》”的文本阐释 被引量:1

An Interpretation of the Text of the “Records of the Historian”,an Unrhymed “Lisao”
摘要 从文本角度看,《史记》和《离骚》在基本精神和表现手法上有着深层联系,诗性精神是《史记》的内在精神,发愤抒情、上下求索、悲剧自我和寓意寄托,是《史记》、《离骚》共有之特点。《史记》和《离骚》犹如姿容殊异而气脉相通的两座奇峰,“无韵之《离骚》”,洵为关于《史记》文学成就与诗性特质的最恰当、最确切、最中肯、最绝妙的历史定评和不刊之论。 In terms of the text, the “Records of the Historian” wa s deeply related with the “Lisao” in general mood and means of representation. With poetic spirit being its interior mood, the “Records of the Historian” sh ared with the “Lisao” such characteristics as lamenting to the heart’s contents, seeking in all directions, tragicizing oneself and implying and residing the mind. As a distintive but splendid counterpart to the “Lisao”, the “Records of the Historian” well deserves to be nicknamed as the unrhymed “Lisao” because of its literary achievements and poetic peculiarity.
作者 刘生良
出处 《陕西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第2期89-95,共7页 Journal of Shaanxi Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 《史记》 《离骚》 诗性精神 悲剧自我 文本庇评 表现手法 司马迁 “Records of the Historian” “Lisao” poetic mood tragicized self
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