放射吸收法 (RadiographicAbsorptiometry ,RA)利用放射性吸收的原理 ,经过对非优势侧手指骨排照X光后 ,经过扫描进入数码处理技术分析给出骨密度的报告 ,从而对骨折危险性进行预测。 2 0 0 1年夏 ,我们课题组使用美国CompuMed公司OsteoGram计算机分析系统对北京地区正常人群 ,10~ 89岁 5 83人 (其中男 2 79人 ,女 2 81人 ) ,进行了非优势手 2 ,3,4指骨中节的RA骨密度测量。该设备先通过一个铝楔形物作为参照物与手一起照射X光片 ,然后采用高分辨率的扫描仪 ,对冲洗后的X光片经扫描成像后输入一个计算机分析系统 ,最后根据输入的图象以及被测病人的各种参数自动给出定量的骨矿密度参数及骨质疏松诊断报告。检测结果显示男性和女性的峰值骨密度均出现在 2 0~ 2 9岁。该结果与刘忠原教授 80年代未使用SPA测量 4 0 0 0 0中国人群中远 1 3前臂骨(桡骨、尺骨 )结果具有极好的相关性。该结果表明RA测得的男性和女性的峰值骨密度以及BMD丢失百分率符合BMD丢失的一般规律 。
Radiographic Absorptiometry (RA) is a reliable and inexpensive method for assessing BMD. Phalangeal BMD determined from standard hand X rays using RA predicts future fracture risk of the hip and spine. 583 Chinese population between the ages of 10 to 89 participated in the study. 23 were disqualified because of Diabetes or prologned use of Corticosteroid and 279 male /281 female with an average of 35 volunteers per 10 year span age group qualified for normal BMD measurement. A two view standard X ray was acquired for the non dominant hand of each volunteer with an aluminum reference wedge placed near the hand. Phalangeal BMD was performed using an automated PC based system. The results (Table 1) show a BMD peak at the 20-29 age group for both genders, percentage BMD loss from this peak was calculated. The results also correlate favorably with BMD results of the 40 000 Chinese database investigated in the late 80's using forearm(radius and ulna) Single Photon Absorptiometry(Liu, et al.), Pearson's correlation coefficients wre calculated. this study's results showed a peak BMD and a percentage BMD loss in male and female that comply with the general characteristics of a BMD loss in male an female that comply with the general characteristics of a BMD normative database.
Chinese Journal of Osteoporosis
Radiographic Absorptiometry(RA), Phalangeal Bone Density,Beijing Population