介绍了华中电网在线稳定控制系统的基本结构和关键技术。该系统以大系统理论和 EMS实时信息为基础 ,采用了分层决策和分层控制的控制模式 ,实现了全网各稳定控制装置间的统一协调 ,以达到区域性的最佳控制。该系统能在 5~10 min内将全网稳定控制装置的策略表刷新一次 ,可以满足在线控制的要求。
The basic structure and key technologies of on on line stability control system of Central China power system are described. Based on the theory of large scale power system and real time information from EMS, the mode of hierarchical decision and hierarchical control are adopted, and the unified coordination among all of the stability control devices in whole network is implemented to attain the regional optimal control. By use of the presented system the tactic forms of stability control devices of the whole network can be refreshed within 5 to 10 minutes and the requirement of on line control is satisfied. In this paper the on line stability control project for Henan Provincial Power Network developed by Henan electric power dispatching centre and the obtained achievement from this project are presented.
Power System Technology