
山西普通菜豆初级核心种质农艺性状遗传多样性研究 被引量:4

Genetic Diversity of Primary Core Collections of Common Bean(Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Based on Agronomic Traits in Shanxi Province
摘要 旨在明确山西省普通菜豆种质资源的主要类型,各类型的主要农艺性状特征及多样性特点。以152份山西省普通菜豆初级核心种质为试材,在田间进行农艺性状鉴定,对152份资源的24个性状进行聚类分析、多样性分析和主成分分析法。结果表明:山西普通菜豆初级核心种质可划分为5种类型。从各分组多样性来看,半蔓+蔓生-紫茎紫花型和蔓生-籽粒斑纹型多样性指数I最高,而直立型资源多样性指数I最低;从各性状多样性来看,质量性状多样性总体低于数量性状,但粒色则表现出明显丰富的多样性。通过主成分分析,将普通菜豆23个农艺性状归属为7个主成分,初步明确了各主成分代表的农艺性状。通过上述研究,明确了山西普通菜豆主要类型、多样性特征和各主成分代表的主要农艺性状,可为资源鉴定评价提供综合性状指标。 The aim is to clarify the main types, the main agronomic traits characteristics and the diversity of types of common bean germplasm resource in Shanxi Province. 152 primary core collections of common beanin Shanxi were used as materials, the agronomic traits were identified in field, 24 traits of the 152 primary corecollections were studied with cluster analysis, diversity analysis and principal component analysis. The resultsshowed that the 152 primary core collections of common beans were divided into 5 groups. From the view of thediversity of clustering groups, I value based on diversity analysis of the semi-dwarfing+sprawl-purple stemand flower types as well as sprawl-seed stripes was the maximum, while I value of erect type was the minimum.From the diversity of agronomic traits, the diversities of quality traits were lower than those of quantity traits,but the grain colors were more abundant. Through the principal component analysis, 23 agronomic traits were divided into 7 principal components, and the agronomic traits represented by the 7 principal components wereclarified. Finally, the main types of common bean germplasm, diversity characteristics and the agronomic traitsof the 7 principal components, which can supply some comprehensive trait indexes for germplasm assessment,were determined.
作者 郝晓鹏 王燕 赵建栋 畅建武 Hao Xiaopeng;Wang Yah;Zhao Jiandong;Chang Jianwu(Institute of Crop Germplasm Resources,Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Taiyuan 030031;Key Laboratory of Crop Gene Resources and Germplasm Enhancement on Loess Plateau,Ministry of Agriculture,Taiyuan 030031;Shanxi Key Laboratory of Genetic Resources and Genetic Improvement of Minor Crops,Taiyuan 030031;Grains Crops Research Center (Taiyuan),Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Taiyuan 030031))
出处 《中国农学通报》 2018年第32期61-69,共9页 Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
基金 国家食用豆产业技术体系“太原综合试验站”(CARS-08-Z4) 山西省农科院特色农业技术攻关项目“基于RNA-seq和逆境胁迫下山黧豆毒素基因发掘及其功能标记的开发与验证”(YGG17055) 山西省农科院种业发展专项“主要特色杂粮核心种质构建与特异性状评价”(2016zyzx41) 山西省青年基金项目“结合实时荧光定量PCR技术的菜豆普通细菌性疫病抗性评价及种质创制”(201701D221207) 山西省农业科学院科技自主创新能力提升工程“山西省农作物种质资源鉴定评价研究”(2017zzcx-17)
关键词 初级核心种质 农艺性状 普通菜豆 聚类分析 多样性分析 主成分分析 primary core collections agronomic traits common bean cluster analysis diversity analysis principal component analysis
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