
单元尺寸对内燃机模态计算精度的影响 被引量:10

Influence of Element Length on the Modal Calculation Accuracy of I.C.E.
摘要 从数学理论出发分析了有限元求解精度的影响因素 ,并从工程角度探讨了单元尺寸的选择对复杂内燃机零部件及整机模态计算精度的影响 ,得出的结论可为类似结构模态计算时单元类型及尺寸的选择提供参考。 The affection factor of the FE calculation accuracy is analyzed from the mathematical theory aspect in this paper.The affection of modal calculation accuracy of the whole engine and the complex engine parts also is discussed in selection of the element size from the engineering aspect.The conclusion from this paper can present some references for similar structure modal calculation and selection of element type and size.
出处 《车用发动机》 北大核心 2002年第1期8-11,共4页 Vehicle Engine
关键词 内燃机 零部件 模态计算 有限元法 单元尺寸 计算精度 internal combustion engine parts and components modal calculation FE method
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