复合型铁盐混凝剂是在聚合硫酸铁和聚合氯比铁基础上研究成功的新型高效净水剂之一 ,具有品种多、生产方法多、原料来源多的特点。应用于原水和废水净化处理上 ,其凝聚和处理效果优于其他无机混凝剂。按阴离子复合、阳离子复合、多种离子复合等 3类 。
At present the compound inorganic polymer coa gulants are focus of research and application on water and wastewater treatment .The compound ferric salts coagulant is new type and efficient water purificatio n agent,its variety,producing methods and source of raw material are diversified ,the researches are made on the basis of polyferric sulfate and polyferric chlor ide.In the application on raw water and wastewater treatment,its flocculating e fficiency is better than other inorganic coagulant.By way of discussing positive ion compound,negative ion compound and varied ions compound this paper gives a review of the research progress on compound ferric salts coagulant in recent yea rs at our country.
Inorganic Chemicals Industry