On the basis of PDM(product data management) definition and its connotation, the factors to ensure implementation success are analyzed. The definition phase, analysis phase, design phase, build and test phase, and post production phase during PDM implementation are described. The implementation is divided into ten processes, which consist of the above different phases. The relationships between phases and processes are illustrated. Finally, a workflow is proposed to guide the implementing at a fixed price.
从PDM (产品数据管理 )的概念出发 ,阐述了它的内涵 ,分析了系统实施中的关键因素 .把PDM的实施分成 10个过程 ,每一个过程由不同的状态组成 ,状态包括定义、分析、设计、构造测试和维护 .说明了状态与过程之间的关系 ,在此基础上构造了一个PDM系统实施的工作流程 ,用来指导系统的实施 。