The presence of a thatch layer in established pastures could reduce the contact between broiler litter and soil, thus increasing the potential for surface runoff contamination with litter P. We conducted a laboratory study to evaluate the effect of a thatch layer on the dynamics of water-soluble P in undisturbed cores taken from a pasture. Cores with and without a thatch layer received a surface application of broiler litter (5 thm-2) and were incubated at 25 oC for 56 d. The result showed that on the soil surface the contents of water soluble-P (39 kghm-2) of the cores with the thatch layer was higher than that (20 kghm-2) of the cores without the thatch layer. Therefore on well-established pastures fertilized with broiler litter, the presence of a thatch layer might lead to high concentrations of water-soluble P on the soil surface.
牧场表层由枯死植物残体、死亡根系等组成的草甸层的存在减少了施入的仔鸡废弃物与土壤的接触,因此增加了废弃物中磷随径流进入水体的可能性。本实验选用牧场原状土柱在实验室进行恒温(25oC)控湿模拟培养56天,研究牧场施用仔鸡废弃物(5 T hm-2)后,草甸层及土壤表层中水溶性磷的动态变化及草甸层存在与否对其含量的影响。结果表明:培养56天后,有草甸层处理土壤表层与草甸层中水溶性磷含量要明显高于无草甸层处理土壤表层中水溶性磷的含量(39:20 kg hm-2)。因此,生长良好的牧场因草甸层的存在如表施仔鸡废弃物可在草场表层留存有大量可溶性磷,如遇降雨引起径流则可导致附近地表水体的磷污染。图2表2参11。
supported by the“973”project(G1999011804-03).