我国正面临严峻的人口老龄化问题,但老年医学与及医疗模式的研究相对薄弱,亟待发展。笔者分析了美国老年医学与医疗模式的发展,首先介绍美国老年医学在其基础研究、临床研究、预防医学研究的进展和美国老年医学的发展理念。随后分析了美国老年医疗模式,包括老年病房(acute care for the elderly,ACE)、老年护理院、PACE(The Program of All-inclusive Care of the Elderly)、老年社区。在此基础上指出我国可以结合国情,借鉴美国老年医学新理念与新的医疗模式,以便更好应对我国老年人口医疗问题。
Our country is facing a severe problem of aging population, but the study of geriatrics and medical models are relatively weakness, but it is in urgent need to be developed. This article aims to analyze the development of the American geriatrics medical model. Firstly, it introduces the basic, clinical and preventive medicine research progress and development idea of American Geriatrics. Then, it analyzes American geriatrics medical model, including geriatric ward (acute care for the elderly, ACE), nursing homes, PACE (The Program of All-inclusive Care of the Elderly), elderly communities. On this basis, it points out that we can cope with medical problems of the elderly population in our country which be combined with national conditions, and use for reference from American geriatrics new ideas and medical model.
Soft Science of Health
America, geriatric, geriatric medical model