对藏系绵羊的同源异型基因家族的两个成员(MSX2和HOXA4基因)进行克隆测序,为其功能分析奠定基础。从藏系绵羊皮肤中提取总RNA,采用常规的基因克隆方法,获得了MSX2和HOXA4基因编码区序列,长度分别为804 bp和552 bp。序列比对显示,MSX2基因与预测的绵羊序列存在多个碱基差异;藏系绵羊HOXA4基因与预测的山羊序列间只有1个碱基差异,但与绵羊的预测序列差异大。
The objective of this study was to clone and sequence the two members of the homeobox gene family(MSX2 and HOXA4 gene of Tibetan sheep)and provide data for their function validation. Total RNA was extracted from the skin of Tibetan sheep and the cDNA encoding MSX2 and HOXA4 was obtained by the reverse transcription PCR(RT-PCR). The coding region of MSX2 and HOXA4 gene were 804 bp and 551 bp,respectively. Sequence alignment revealed several nucleotides difference between Tibetan sheep MSX2 gene and predicted sequence of sheep MSX2 gene;only one nucleotide difference existed between HOXA4 gene of Tibetan sheep and the predicted sequence of goat HOXA4,but Tibetan sheep HOXA4 gene showed great differences when compared with the predicted HOXA4 sequence of sheep.
China Herbivore Science