The complex surface X obtained by 8 points blown up on CP2 and Barlow’s surface Y are homeomorphic,but not diffeomorphic.Using the Gromov-Witten invariant Ruan showed that the stabilized manifolds X×S2and Y×S2are not deformation equivalent.In this note,we show that the stabilized manifolds X×S1and Y×S1are diffeomorphic and non-deformation equivalent in cosymplectic sense.
The complex surface X obtained by 8 points blown up on CP2 and Barlow’s surface Y are homeomorphic,but not diffeomorphic.Using the Gromov-Witten invariant Ruan showed that the stabilized manifolds X×S^2and Y×S^2are not deformation equivalent.In this note,we show that the stabilized manifolds X×S^1and Y×S^1are diffeomorphic and non-deformation equivalent in cosymplectic sense.
supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea funded by the Ministry of Education(Grant No.2013004848)