Obj ective:To probe into the working condition and emotional experience of the new nurses (seniority≤1 year)during the period that they try to change themselves from students to clinical nurses.This study can provide the evidences fo helping the hospital managers develop a hu-manized nursing human resource management strategy and help the new nurses change their role.Methods:In depth interview of phenomenologi-cal research was used in this study.We had a face to face semi struc-tured and in depth interview with 1 5 new nurses.The collected data were analyzed and studied by using Colaizzi’s seven step method of phe-nomenological analysis.Results:We found the new nurses have 5 kinds of negative role experience:great work overload and physical“fatigue”,great psychological pressure and anxiety,interpersonal conflict;unreasonable income distribution,intention of job burnout.Only one theme of new nur-ses’positive role experience was found:work recognized.Conclusion:New nurses will go through lots of negative mental and physical experi-ence,so the administrators should pay high attention to their growth.Hu-manistic care management system,harmonious working atmosphere and higher retention rate should be provided so that we can have a stable and sustainable nursing staff and quality of care.
Chinese General Practice Nursing
new nurses
role transformation
emotional experience
nurs-ing human resources management