
R&D联盟企业隐性知识转移的系统动力学 被引量:13

System Dynamics Modeling for Tacit Knowledge Transfer of a Firm in the R&D Alliance
摘要 基于系统动力学分析方法,根据R&D联盟企业隐性知识转移过程的特点,分别构建了联盟企业之间以及联盟企业内部的知识转移模型并进行仿真,揭示了R&D联盟企业在不同阶段隐性知识转移的规律。研究表明,联盟企业之间的隐性知识转移过程呈S型曲线,并且这一阶段知识转移程度会直接影响下一阶段企业内部知识创新的速度。而企业内部的知识转移系统最终会达到稳定的均衡状态。联盟企业之间以及内部的隐性知识转移和创新的程度均受到研发人员之间的接触率和知识吸收能力的正面影响,但是研发人员知识遗忘率对其有负面影响。此外,持续创新能力对于企业创新程度的提高也至关重要。 Based on the characteristics of tacit knowledge transfer process in R&D alliances, two System Dynamics Models of tacit knowledge transfer between partners and within firms in the R&D alliance are established and simulated to reveal the law of tacit knowledge transfer in different periods. The results suggest that the process of tacit knowledge transfer between partners is in the form of an S-shaped curve, and the extent of tacit knowledge transfer in this period can affect the speed of knowledge innovations in next period, where the tacit knowledge transfer system reaches a stable equilibrium point ultimately. Contact rates of R&D staff and their absorptive capabilities have positive impacts on tacit knowledge transfer between partners as well as innovations within the firm of the R&D alliance, while R&D staff's forgetting rates have negative impacts on them. In addition, sustainable innovative capability is also very significant for the firm to improve its innovations.
出处 《系统管理学报》 CSSCI 2014年第5期620-627,635,共9页 Journal of Systems & Management
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(70972065) 国家自然科学基金青年项目(71302021) 上海市哲学社会科学基金资助项目(2012BGL008) 教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目(11YJC630178)
关键词 R&D联盟 隐性知识转移 系统动力学 R&D alliance tacit knowledge knowledge transfer systems dynamics
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