O bjective To investigate clinicalefficacy of gastrodine injection plus prom ethaz ine in com bination for trea tm ent of cer-vical vertigo .M ethods S ixty three patients w ith cervical vertigo w ere random ly divided into tw o groups :Contro l group ( n = 31) treated w ith gastrodine injection and treatm ent group ( n = 32) treated w ith gastrodine injection plus prom ethaz ine .The clinicaleffica-cy of the tw o groups and clinical sym ptom s disappeared tim e were com pared.Results The to talclinicaleffective rate w as 96.87% in treatm ent group ,w hich w as significantly higher than that in contro l group ( 87.10% , P〈0.05) .The clinical sym ptom s disappeared tim e such as dizz iness ,cochlear syndrom e ,autonom ic sym ptom s ,and vestibular function im paired disappearance tim e in treatm ent group w ere significantly earlier than those in contro lgroup ( P〈0.05) .C onclusion G astrodine injection plus prom e thaz ine for treat-m ent of cervical vertigo w as effective .
Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine on Cardio-Cerebrovascular Disease
cervical vertigo
gastrodine injection
prom e thaz ine