
滑翔增程弹的气动特性仿真研究 被引量:6

The Research of Aerodynamic Simulation for Gliding Extended Range Projectile
摘要 研究了滑翔增程弹气动布局对弹道增程效果的影响,建立了不同气动布局下的弹体模型,并对其进行气动仿真,得出了不同空气动力数据.通过建立适合增程弹的弹体模型,得到了舵片在不同布局时的增程能力数据.仿真结果表明,舵片位置越远离弹体头部,相应增大舵偏角,增程能力将会增强,因此,在满足全弹气动布局、飞行稳定的基础上,尽量使舵片远离弹体头部,并相应增大舵偏角,可提高増程的能力. This paper studies the influences on ballistic extended range effects influenced by gliding extended range projectile aerodynamic layout, establishing projectile models with different aerodynamic layouts and carrying on the aerodynamic simulation and obtaining different aerodynamic datas. Through the establishment of ballistic model suitable for gliding extended range projectile, the extended range capability datas with different tail layouts has been obtained. Simulation results show that the tail is more closer to the bottom of extended range projectile, and the ability of extending range is greater. So it is essential to try to make the tail near to the bottom of projectile to increase the ability of extending range on the base of satisfying the aerodynamic layout and flight stability.
出处 《成组技术与生产现代化》 2014年第3期32-35,40,共5页 Group Technology & Production Modernization
基金 国家863计划资助项目(2009AA04Z167) 辽宁省自然科学基金资助项目(201102182)
关键词 滑翔增程弹 舵片偏角 舵片位置 阻力系数 升力 gliding extended range projectile rudder angle rudder position drag coefficient lift force
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