工业机器人普遍采用示教编程的方法,该方法利用操作者的观察获得精度,是制约工业机器人铣削精度的主要因素。为了提高工业机器人的铣削精度,提出了利用软件编程的方法,利用标定工具对工业机器人、零件夹具、铣刀夹具进行标定,求取它们之间的转换矩阵;利用标定时获得的转换矩阵,调整软件中的零件夹具、铣刀夹具的位置与姿态,使实际空间中的工业机器人、零件夹具和铣刀夹具的位置、姿态与软件空间中的工业机器人、零件夹具和铣刀夹具模型的位置、姿态关系一致;将软件空间编制的工业机器人铣削加工程序映射到实际机器人空间。由于建立的软件空间与实际空间具有一致性,所以工业机器人的标定精度即为铣削精度,实验结果表明:在标定后的软件空间编程,其铣削的位置精度可以达到0.2 mm,姿态精度可以达到0.1°,而示教编程一般的位置精度为0.5 mm,姿态精度为0.5°。
At present,teaching programming is commonly used in industrial robot. The precision was obtained in this way through the watching of operator,which was the main reason that restricted industrial robot's milling precision. The software programming is proposed to use in order to improving the industrial robot's milling precision. First,calibration tool was used to calibrate industrial robot,parts fixture and milling cutter fixture to get the transition matrix among them. Then,the matrix was used to adjust parts fixture's and milling cutter fixture's position and posture in the software so that the industrial robot's,parts fixture's and milling cutter fixture's position and gesture in actual space were consistent with them in software space. At last,the industrial robot's milling procedure programmed in software space was mapped in actual space. Because the software space was consistent with the actual space,the industrial robot's calibration precision was the milling precision. The experimental results show that if the procedure is programmed in calibration software space,the positional accuracy can be 0. 2 mm and the posture accuracy can be 0. 1°. But if the procedure is programmed by teaching programming,the positional accuracy is common 0. 5 mm,and the posture accuracy is common 0. 5°.
Machine Tool & Hydraulics
Industrial robot
Milling precision
Calibration tool
Software programming