
普通荞麦自交不亲和两系互交制种技术研究 被引量:3

Research on Technology of Self-incompatibility Two-line Reciprocal Cross in Common Buckwheat Seed Production
摘要 用自交不亲和性制种,实现普通荞麦杂种优势利用;创新杂交制种生产技术,提高效率,降低生产成本.将育成的近交系亲本矮B系与矮C系等量、混合种植,借助虫媒、风媒授粉,进行杂交制种.成熟后混合收获、脱粒,用机械将矮BF1(正交F1代)与矮CF1(反交F1代)分开,分别用于生产.制种田没有固定的父本,所收获种子95%是杂交种.正交F1代超亲优势为26.1%,反交F1代超亲优势为30.2%,平均优势为38.4%;试验表明,另一组合矮A系与恢3系所配杂交种比对照增产25.64%~44.87%,被审定为‘榆荞4号’品种.制种田省去了父本和按行比种植的工序,不仅提高了制种产量,降低了生产成本,而且制种效果好,在荞麦杂种优势利用上,是一种新的杂交种生产技术,可用于大规模生产杂交种. The aims were to study the technology of self-incompatibility Two-line Reciprocal Cross in common buckwheat seed production to achieve full utilization of common buckwheat heterosis, and to innovate current hybrid seed production technologies to boost efficiency and reduce production cost. Same quantities of parental inbred line "dwarf line B" and" dwarf line C" were mixed together and planted to produce hybrid seeds with the aid of insect and wind pollination. After ripeness, the mature seeds were harvested, unshelled and separated into orthogonal dwarf line B (F1) seeds and reciprocal cross dwarf line C (F1) seeds for future planting with vibrating screen. No fixed male parent was needed in seed production and 95% of the harvested seeds were hybrid. Heterobehiosis of orthogonal dwarf line B (F1) seeds and reciprocal cross short line C (F]) seeds were 26.1% and 30.2% respectively, with an average heterosis of 38.4%. According to the trial, the production of another type of hybrid seed named 'YuQiao 4', which was yielded through the combination of "dwarf line A" and "fertile line 3", increased by 25.64%-44.87%, as compared to the controls. This new technology in seed production could eliminate the male parent and the conventional row plant; therefore it yielded higher production, lower cost and high quality seeds. It was an innovative technology for full utilization of common buckwheat heterosis, and could be applied to mass production of hybrid seeds.
出处 《农学学报》 2014年第10期19-23,共5页 Journal of Agriculture
基金 农业部燕麦 荞麦技术体系荞麦育种岗位资金资助项目"荞麦育种"(CARS-08-A4)
关键词 普通荞麦 自交不亲和 近交系 互交制种 Common Buckwheat Self-incompatibility Inbred Reciprocal Cross Seed Production
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