
新疆维吾尔自治区康复医疗资源配置调研分析 被引量:13

An allocation analysis of rehabilitation medical resource in Xinjiang
摘要 目的:对新疆康复医疗资源现状及医学院校康复医学教育状况进行调研,为卫生行政部门完善康复医疗服务体系建设及宏观调控提供循证及科学的决策依据。方法:采用问卷调查与实地走访结合的方式调研新疆二级及以上各类医院及医学院校的康复医疗及教育资源分布情况。各机构在填写完成《新疆康复医疗资源调查表》后需加盖单位公章确认,并随机抽样实地调查南北疆各2个行政区域。结果:调查显示新疆有康复医学内涵的医疗及教育机构共计68家。其中64家为医疗机构(三级医院/二级医院/专科医院为21/40/3),4家为医学院校。64家医疗机构中:卫生系统医院49家,兵团医院10家,部队医院3家,民政医院2家;设置有康复床位的46家:康复编制床位数共1287张,占其总床位数的3.19%;康复医师436人,康复治疗师352人,康复护士412人;床位∶医师∶治疗师∶护士比在三级医院为1∶0.31∶0.27∶0.30;二级医院为1∶0.42∶0.31∶0.39。结论:新疆各级医院的康复科设置、专业人员及专业质量等康复医疗资源未达到卫生部对康复医学科设置的基本要求。优势资源集中在首府三级医院,康复人才匮乏。加强康复医学科建设、合理配置康复医疗资源及通过多种方式规范培养康复专业技术力量,使之与我国康复医疗整体需求相适应非常紧迫。 Objective: Through investigating the distribution of rehabilitation resources in the hospitals and rehabilitation medicine education of Xinjiang,to provide evidence-based and scientific basis for the public health administration to improve the rehabilitation health care system and macro-control.Method: Using questionnaires and site visits to investigate the distribution of rehabilitation medical resources at secondary and more level hospitals and rehabilitation medicine education resources at medical colleges in Xinjiang. After filling the "Xinjiang medical rehabilitation resources survey form", each hospital should affix its official seal, and random sampling fieldwork southern and northern each two administrative regions.Result: The investigation showed there were 68 agencies had the connotation of rehabilitation medicine medical and educational institutions, included 64 medical hospitals(tertiary level hospitals/secondary level hospitals/specialist hospitals for 21/40/3), and 4 medical colleges. The 64 medical institutions included 49 the health system hospitals, 10 corps hospitals, 3 military hospitals, 2 district hospital; and 46 hospitals had set up rehabilitation beds, there were a total of 1287 rehabilitation beds, accounting for 3.19% of the total number of beds in the hospitals. And there were 436 rehabilitation doctors and 352 rehabilitation therapists, 412 rehabilitation nurses. In tertiary level hospitals the beds- doctors therapist nurse ratio was: 1∶0.31∶0.27∶0.30; in secondary level hospital the beds-doctors therapist nurse ratio was: 1∶0.42∶0.31∶0.39.Conclusion: Rehabilitation settings, rehabilitation professionals and professional quality, at all levels of the hospital's medical resources in Xinjiang did not meet the basic requirements of the department of rehabilitation set by the Ministry of Health and the superiority of resources concentrated in the tertiary hospitals. Local conditions in Xinjiang, through various forms, especially standardize rehabilitation personnel training and rational allocation of rehabilitation medical resources are very urgent, The development of Xinjiang rehabilitation must adapt the medical needs of our whole country.
出处 《中国康复医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第11期1055-1062,共8页 Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
关键词 康复医疗体系 康复医疗资源 康复人才 rehabilitation health care system rehabilitation medical resource rehabilitation talents
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