
Space decomposition based parallelization solutions for the combined finiteediscrete element method in 2D 被引量:4

Space decomposition based parallelization solutions for the combined finiteediscrete element method in 2D
摘要 The combined finiteediscrete element method (FDEM) belongs to a family of methods of computationalmechanics of discontinua. The method is suitable for problems of discontinua, where particles aredeformable and can fracture or fragment. The applications of FDEM have spread over a number of disciplinesincluding rock mechanics, where problems like mining, mineral processing or rock blasting canbe solved by employing FDEM. In this work, a novel approach for the parallelization of two-dimensional(2D) FDEM aiming at clusters and desktop computers is developed. Dynamic domain decompositionbased parallelization solvers covering all aspects of FDEM have been developed. These have beenimplemented into the open source Y2D software package and have been tested on a PC cluster. Theoverall performance and scalability of the parallel code have been studied using numerical examples. Theresults obtained confirm the suitability of the parallel implementation for solving large scale problems. 2014 Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Production and hosting byElsevier B.V. All rights reserved. The combined finiteediscrete element method (FDEM) belongs to a family of methods of computationalmechanics of discontinua. The method is suitable for problems of discontinua, where particles aredeformable and can fracture or fragment. The applications of FDEM have spread over a number of disciplinesincluding rock mechanics, where problems like mining, mineral processing or rock blasting canbe solved by employing FDEM. In this work, a novel approach for the parallelization of two-dimensional(2D) FDEM aiming at clusters and desktop computers is developed. Dynamic domain decompositionbased parallelization solvers covering all aspects of FDEM have been developed. These have beenimplemented into the open source Y2D software package and have been tested on a PC cluster. Theoverall performance and scalability of the parallel code have been studied using numerical examples. Theresults obtained confirm the suitability of the parallel implementation for solving large scale problems. 2014 Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Production and hosting byElsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
出处 《Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第6期607-615,共9页 岩石力学与岩土工程学报(英文版)
关键词 Parallelization Load balancing PC cluster Combined finiteediscrete element method(FDEM) Parallelization Load balancing PC cluster Combined finiteediscrete element method(FDEM)
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