
道德型领导对下属反馈规避行为的影响及其作用机制 被引量:21

How Does Ethical Leadership Behavior Influence Follower Feedback Avoidance Behavior:The Mediating Roles of Leader-Member Exchange and Meaning of Work
摘要 基于社会交换和内在动机理论,以219名企业员工为对象,考察了道德型领导对下属反馈规避行为的影响效果及其作用机制。研究发现:道德型领导对下属反馈规避行为有显著负向影响;下属感知的与领导的交换关系和工作意义对FAB也有负向影响,且在道德型领导与下属反馈规避行为之间有部分中介作用。研究结果首次从社会交换和内在动机视角证实了道德型领导对下属反馈规避行为的抑制作用,并在一定程度上丰富了学术界对下属反馈规避行为诱发因素及其机制的认识。 Feedback avoidance behavior (FAB) was defined as followers proaetive, purposeful, and intentional feedback management strategy, which involves active behavior directed at evading feedback when performing poorly. Using social exchange theory and intrinsic motivation theory as the overarching framework, the study explored the influencing mechanism of ethical leadership on follower feedback avoidance behavior (FAB). Results from a sample of 219 employees revealed that their perceived ethical leadership behavior, and the exchange relationship with leader and meaning of work, had negative effects on their FAB. Leader-member exchange and meaning of work were found to partially mediate the association of ethical leadership with FAB. The study is the first investigation on ethical leadership as a predictor of FAB and the first effort to use social exchange and intrinsic motivation theory to explain the determinants of FAB.
出处 《管理学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期96-102,共7页 Chinese Journal of Management
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71302129) 教育部人文社会科学基金资助项目(13YJC630176) 国家软科学研究计划资助项目(2013GXS4D129) 北京市自然科学基金资助项目(9144035)
关键词 道德型领导 反馈规避行为 领导-下属交换 工作意义感 ethical leadership feedback avoidance behavior leader-member exchange meaning of work
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