Since the 1990s, the turnout in electoral processes has decreased, taking into account the Mexican context with its democratic transition, this decrease started after the 1994 federal election. The drop in turnout in federal elections had its lowest figure during the midterm elections of 2003, it picked up during the electoral process of 2009 and kept the same level of 2012. The change in the electoral turnout pattern for the federal elections in Mexico after 2009 can be explained as the combined effect of the electoral cycle and the concurrence between federal and local elections. Beginning from the hypothesis that there is a close link between institutions and contexts, the purpose of this study is to prove with the analysis of the electoral processes from 1997 to 2012, the effect of the electoral reforms--specifically the one in Article 116 of the Constitution in 2007-on turnout for federal elections of 2009 and 2012.