
时间触发以太网时钟同步的容错方法分析 被引量:11

Clock synchronization fault-tolerance in time-triggered Ethernet
摘要 为揭示高完整性和标准完整性配置下时钟同步容错方法的有效性,对时间触发以太网(time-triggered Ethernet,TTE)网络标准中时钟同步服务描述进行协议分析,还原时钟同步算法的理论模型。通过分析容错机制对应的失效模式,对TTE网络时钟同步算法在单同步域下对抗失效的有效性进行仿真验证,仿真结果表明了高完整性配置下的TTE网络时钟具备对抗单点随意失效的能力。 To clarify the effectiveness of fault-tolerant clock synchronization in high-integrity and standard-integrity devices, the normative description of clock synchronization services in the time-triggered Ethernet (TTE) standard was analyzed, and the theoretical model for this clock synchronization algorithm was rebuilt. With the analysis of failure modes that certain fault-tole- rant mechanisms fight on, and referring to the performance evaluation of the clock synchronization algorithm against failures in a single synchronous domain of a TTE network, computer simulations were carried out. The fact that synchronized clocks in high- integrity TTE networks can deal with any arbitrary single-failure disturbances was verified.
出处 《计算机工程与设计》 北大核心 2015年第1期11-16,共6页 Computer Engineering and Design
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(61073012 61301086) 航空科学基金项目(20111951015)
关键词 时钟同步 时间触发以太网 容错 协议分析 仿真 clock synchronizationl time-triggered Ethernet fault-tolerant protocol analysis simulation
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