
3DT-PP:localization and path planning of mobile anchors over complex 3D terrains 被引量:1

3DT-PP:localization and path planning of mobile anchors over complex 3D terrains
摘要 Mobile anchors are widely used for localization in WSNs.However,special properties over 3D terrains limit the implementation of them.In this paper,a novel 3D localization algorithm is proposed,called 3 DT-PP,which utilizes path planning of mobile anchors over complex 3 D terrains,and simulations based upon the model of mountain surface network are conducted.The simulation results show that the algorithm decreases the position error by about 91%,8.7%and lowers calculation overhead by about 75%,1.3%,than the typical state-of-the-art localization algorithm(i.e.,'MDS-MAP','Landscape-3D').Thus,our algorithm is more potential in practical WSNs which are the characteristic of limited energy and 3D deployment. Mobile anchors are widely used for localization in WSNs.However,special properties over 3D terrains limit the implementation of them.In this paper,a novel 3D localization algorithm is proposed,called 3DT-PP,which utilizes path planning of mobile anchors over complex 3D terrains,and simulations based upon the model of mountain surface network are conducted.The simulation results show that the algorithm decreases the position error by about 91%,8.7% and lowers calculation overhead by about 75%,1.3%,than the typical state-of-the-art localization algorithm (i.e.,‘ MDS-MAP’,‘ Landscape-3D’).Thus,our algorithm is more potential in practical WSNs which are the characteristic of limited energy and 3D deployment.
出处 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2014年第4期367-375,共9页 高技术通讯(英文版)
基金 Supported by the Important National Science and Technology Specific Project of China(No.20112X03002-002-03) the National NatureScience Foundation of China(No.61133016,61163066)
关键词 concave/convex decomposition path planning for mobile anchor nodes 3D-localization algorithm wireless sensor network (WSN) 定位算法 路径规划 3D 地形 移动 无线传感器网络 特殊性质
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