动脉粥样硬化是影响人类健康的常见疾病之一,也是引发患者死亡率最高的疾病.肾素-血管紧张素系统(RAS)是影响动脉粥样硬化进展的重要相关因素,并在人体内分泌调控中与多处组织有密切联系.其中,除了血管紧张素II外,RAS中其他具有生物活性的多肽片段被陆续发现.血管紧张素(1-7)(Ang-(1-7))做为RAS中一种重要的调节肽,主要与Mas受体结合发挥作用,在动脉粥样硬化过程中起着重要作用,可以抗衡因Ang II与AT1受体结合产生的血管收缩、血压升高、炎症反应、纤维化、细胞凋亡等作用.因此,了解Ang-(1-7)/Mas途径与炎症的关系,对于预防与治疗动脉粥样硬化具有重要意义.本文主要讨论近来在动脉粥样硬化病理研究中Ang(1-7)/Mas途径与动脉炎症的关系,以及未来前景.
Atherosclerosis is a potentially serious condition which has become one of the most prevalent causes of mortality all around the world. Renin- angiotensin- system( RAS) is recognized to be a key factor in the formation of atherosclerosis,and can modulate the endocrines in many organs. A number of other polypeptides with biological activities in RAS have been discovered followed by the discovery of angiotensin II( Ang II). The G- protein- coupled Mas receptors,an endogenous receptor for the heptapeptide angiotensin-( 1- 7)( Ang-( 1- 7)),show an important role in the progress of atherosclerosis. The Ang-( 1-7) / Mas receptor axis can counteract the vasoconstriction,hypertension,inflammation,fibrosis,apoptosis and other responses caused by Ang II / Ang II type 1 receptor( AT1R) axis. It is concluded that the relationship between Ang-( 1- 7) / Mas axis and vascular inflammation could be the paving- stone of the prevention and novel treatment for atherosclerosis. The scope of this study is to examine the relationship between Ang-( 1- 7) / Mas axis and vascular inflammation in the development of atherosclerosis and future perspectives.
Journal of Southwest Minzu University(Natural Science Edition)