
新周边形势下中国-东盟农业科技国际合作的广西实践 被引量:17

Local Practice of China-ASEAN Agricultural Scientific and Technological International Cooperation under the New Situation of Surrounding Areas
摘要 本文通过总结和分析广西与东盟农业科技国际合作的三大模式及存在的问题,并在此基础上围绕国家新周边外交战略,提出相关政策建议:设立农业科技国际特派员计划,加强对边境草根科技援外的支持,构建多层次的多元项目支持体系,营造鼓励和支持企业科技合作的环境。 This paper summarizes and analyzes three forms of agricultural scientific and technological international cooperation between Guangxi and the ASEAN countries, and points out some problems that the attention should be paid to further developing friendships with our neighbor states. On this basis, this paper puts forward some countermeasures according to the country peripheral diplomatic strategy, such as setting up foreign aid program of agricultural science and technology, strengthening the supports of foreign aid at the grassroots level, building a multi-level and diversified project system, creating good environment for encouraging companies launching international technical cooperation with Southeast Asia.
出处 《中国科技论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期155-160,共6页 Forum on Science and Technology in China
基金 国家社科基金西部项目"自主创新的生成机制及西南民族地区的路径选择"(09XZX005) "泛北部湾合作研究"八桂学者岗位资助项目
关键词 中国-东盟 农业科技 国际合作 地方模式 China-ASEAN Agricultural science and technology International cooperation local practical models
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