Alzheimer's disease (AD), a fatal, progressive, neurodegener- ative disorder, is the most common cause of old-age demen- tia, accounting for 50-75% of dementia patients. Early stages of AD are marked by vocabulary shrinkage, spatial disori- entation, depression, apraxia, and deterioration of recent forms of declarative memory. In course of time, the patients require close supervision due to the loss of cognitive and functional abilities, and at the terminal stages of the disease, all forms of memory are severely impaired with the patients needing nursing home care (World Alzheimer Report, 2013).
Alzheimer's disease (AD), a fatal, progressive, neurodegener- ative disorder, is the most common cause of old-age demen- tia, accounting for 50-75% of dementia patients. Early stages of AD are marked by vocabulary shrinkage, spatial disori- entation, depression, apraxia, and deterioration of recent forms of declarative memory. In course of time, the patients require close supervision due to the loss of cognitive and functional abilities, and at the terminal stages of the disease, all forms of memory are severely impaired with the patients needing nursing home care (World Alzheimer Report, 2013).
in part supported by the German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) special network program KMU-Innovativ-2