通过无菌后添加工艺把液态无菌乳铁蛋白添加到牛奶中,制备成乳铁蛋白型牛奶,对含有不同剂量乳铁蛋白(5mg/100m L和10mg/100m L)牛奶产品对上海和北京志愿者免疫力的影响进行了研究。评估不同剂量的乳铁蛋白型牛奶,对降低流感症状发生风险的功效临床试验效果。服用两种不同剂量乳铁蛋白牛奶产品的志愿者,在流感症状发生率、发生次数、症状持续天数、症状严重度、药物治疗天数和病假天数上均显著低于安慰剂组志愿者,表明加入乳铁蛋白的牛奶产品对提高志愿者免疫力水平有明显作用。
The papers mainly research how different dosages of lactoferrin milk(including 5mg/100 m L and 10mg/100 m L)improve human's immunity after the Lactoferrin Shuhua Milk is made of the aseptic liquid lactoferrin and milk by aseptic dosing process. The result of this test is that the Lactoferrin Shuhua Milk can obviously improve the immunity of volunteers in Beijing and Shanghai.
Beverage Industry