Type 2 diabetes(T2DM) is characterized by insulin resistance and β-cell dysfunction. Although, in contrast to type 1 diabetes, insulin resistance is assumed to be a major pathophysiological feature of T2 DM, T2 DM never develops unless β-cells fail to compensate insulin resistance. Recent studies have revealed that a deficit of β-cell functional mass is an essential component of the pathophysiology of T2 DM, implying that β-cell deficit is a common feature of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. β-cell dysfunction is present at the diagnosis of T2 DM and progressively worsens with disease duration. β-cell dysfunction is associated with worseningof glycemic control and treatment failure; thus, it is important to preserve or recover β-cell functional mass in the management of T2 DM. Since β-cell regenerative capacity appears somewhat limited in humans, reducing β-cell workload appears to be the most effective way to preserve β-cell functional mass to date, underpinning the importance of lifestyle modification and weight loss for the treatment and prevention of T2 DM. This review summarizes the current knowledge on β-cell functional mass in T2 DM and discusses the treatment strategy for T2 DM.
Type 2 diabetes (T2DM) is characterized by insulinresistance and β-cell dysfunction. Although, in contrastto type 1 diabetes, insulin resistance is assumed to bea major pathophysiological feature of T2DM, T2DMnever develops unless β-cells fail to compensate insulinresistance. Recent studies have revealed that a deficitof β-cell functional mass is an essential componentof the pathophysiology of T2DM, implying that β-celldeficit is a common feature of both type 1 and type 2diabetes. β-cell dysfunction is present at the diagnosisof T2DM and progressively worsens with diseaseduration. β-cell dysfunction is associated with worseningof glycemic control and treatment failure; thus, it isimportant to preserve or recover β-cell functional massin the management of T2DM. Since β-cell regenerativecapacity appears somewhat limited in humans, reducingβ-cell workload appears to be the most effective way topreserve β-cell functional mass to date, underpinningthe importance of lifestyle modification and weight lossfor the treatment and prevention of T2DM. This reviewsummarizes the current knowledge on β-cell functionalmass in T2DM and discusses the treatment strategy forT2DM.