Evaluation of Methodology for Life Cycle Assessment Applied to Hydroponic Tomato Processes from a System Approach
Evaluation of Methodology for Life Cycle Assessment Applied to Hydroponic Tomato Processes from a System Approach
Analysis of agricultural production systems of hydroponic tomato in Morelos state of Mexico, through a systematic approach, called systems development of life cycle (SDLC) was performed by comparing this with the methodology known as life cycle assessment (LCA). This permits to analyze the differences in approaches of all these methodologies to propose improvements in the current system, which can allow an improved assessment of the environmental quality of agricultural products, which often is subject to confusion. That due to measurement parameters are not generally accepted by society, producers and consumers, may ensure that the process is fully sustainable and is considered quite as a green technology processes towards an ecological benefit and therefore for the humanity.
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10杨健,邵景望.水资源在畜牧生产中使用的评估[J].山东畜牧兽医,2016,37(11):60-61. 被引量:1