

Analysis and Research of Precious Ancient Books in the Ethnic Library of China
摘要 文章对我国古籍特别是少数民族古籍的整理工作进行简要回顾,对《国家珍贵古籍名录》的基本情况进行简要论述,重点分析中国民族图书馆馆藏国家珍贵古籍的数量、年代、版本、文种等情况,并就少数民族古籍的整理研究工作提出建议。 The article briefly reviewed collation of ancient books in China,especially on the collation of ethnic ancient books;Briefly expounded The national precious ancient books.Analysed precious ancient books in the Ethnic Library of China.At last,puts forward some suggestions on the collation and research of ethnic ancient books.
作者 崔德志 宝音
机构地区 中国民族图书馆
出处 《内蒙古民族大学学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第2期112-115,共4页 Journal of Inner Mongolia Minzu University:Social Sciences
关键词 民族古籍 国家珍贵古籍 中国民族图书馆 Ethnic ancient books Precious ancient books Ethnic library of China
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