
混合FE-SEA点连接的修正因子研究 被引量:2

Study on the correction factor of hybrid FE-SEA point junction
摘要 针对混合FE-SEA点连接建模提出了一种基于波长的点连接修正因子。目前混合点连接建模主要基于无限结构假设,未考虑边界因素对建模和分析结果的影响。本文首先基于波动理论建立了无限板结构的混合点连接模型,然后根据板结构系统的动力学特性,提出了以判定圆为基准的点连接修正因子。仿真结果表明,本文提出的混合点连接修正因子可有效估计边界对点连接的影响,改进了混合点连接建模的精度。 A correction factor based on the wave length is developed for the hybrid FE-SEA point junc- tion. At present the modeling of hybrid point j unction is mainly based on the hypothesis of infinite struc- tures,without considering the boundary effects to the modeling and analysis results. In this paper, the modeling method of hybrid point junction of plate is presented,then on the basis of dynamic characteris- tic in the structures,a correction factor is proposed with the benchmark of identification circles. The sim- ulation results demonstrate that the technique proposed in this paper could estimate the influences of boundary to the point junction effectively and improve the modeling precision of hybrid point junction.
出处 《计算力学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期225-231,共7页 Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanics
基金 总装十二五预研(51334050101) 国防973(613133)资助项目
关键词 混合点连接 修正因子 混合FE-SEA 边界 hybrid point i unction correction factor hybrid FE-SEA boundary
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