

The Influnce of Vancomycin on Serum Proteins by Two Different Administration
摘要 目的:探讨万古霉素不同给药方式对血清蛋白代谢的影响。方法:回顾性分析ICU既往收治MRSA感染患者96例,在我科开展PK/PD模型引导抗生素治疗方案之前按照常规给予万古霉素治疗52例及按照PK/PD模型引导给药44例,比较两组治疗后尿微量蛋白阳性率差异。结果:PK/PD治疗组患者尿微量蛋白阳性率明显低于常规给药组。结论:PK/PD模型引导万古霉素治疗优化方案可以明显减轻患者肾损害,维持血清蛋白代谢的稳定。 Objective :To discuss the influence of Vancomycin on serum proteins by two different administration .Meth‐ods:A total of 96 patients infected with MRSA administrated Vancomycin by two different ways ,the conventional way and the PK/PD modeling guiding way .Then compare positive rate of urinary microproteins of two groups .Results:The positive rate of urinary microproteins of group conventional way was significantly higher than that of group PK /PD Modeling Guiding way .Conclusion:Application of Vancomycin by PK/PD Modeling Guidingway can significantly re‐duce renal damage and Maintain concentration of serum proteins stable .
出处 《医学理论与实践》 2015年第7期844-845,共2页 The Journal of Medical Theory and Practice
基金 莱芜市科技局专项科研立项项目(20120318)
关键词 万古霉素 血清蛋白 尿微量蛋白 PK/PD模型引导 Vancomycin PK/PD Modeling Guiding Serum proteins Urinary microproteins
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