
Study on Application of Microbial Ecological Agents, Replacements for Antibiotics, in Weaned Piglet Production 被引量:1

摘要 In order to investigate the appIication effects of microbial ecoIogical agents as repIacements for antibiotics in weaned pigIets, a total of 120 28 d oId healthy Duroc &#215;Landrace &#215;Large White weaned pigIets with simiIar bogy weights and body fats and cIose birth dates were seIected. They were randomIy divided into three groups, incIuding controI group (CK), antibiotic group (A) and microbial ecoIogical agent group (MEA). The growth performance, health status and economic benefits of the weaned pigIets were measured. The resuIts showed that the A and MEA groups couId better enhance the immunity of weaned pigIets and improve the economic benefits in the whoIe experimental period compared to the CK group (P〈0.01). How-ever, there were no significant differences in pigIet immunity and economic benefits between the A and MEA groups (P〉0.05). It is indicated that the Rujunbao, a mi-crobial ecoIogical agent, can be promoted in weaned pigIet production as a repIace-ment for antibiotic. 为了研究微生态制剂替代抗生素对断奶仔猪的应用效果,试验采用28日龄断奶、体重和膘情差异不大、出生时间相近的健康杜长大三元断奶仔猪120头,随机分为3组,即对照组、抗生素组、微生态制剂组,测定并分析仔猪生长性能、健康状况及经济效益。结果表明:微生态制剂组、抗生素组在促生长、提高仔猪免疫力方面及整个试验期经济效益均极显著优于对照组(P<0.01),微生态制剂组与抗生素组之间差异不显著(P>0.05)。说明微生态制剂乳菌宝可以替代抗生素应用在仔猪生产中。
出处 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第4期757-760,共4页 农业科学与技术(英文版)
基金 Vegetable Basket Projects of Beijing Vocational College of Agriculture for Improving Scientific and Technological Capabilities of New Business Entities~~
关键词 Microblal ecological agent Weaned piglet Growth performance Disease resistance Economic benefit 微生态制剂 断奶仔猪 生长性能 抗病力 经济效益
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