
Analysis on the Necessity and Feasibility of Implementing the Strategy of "Protecting Farmland in Flatland Areas and Constructing Mountainous Cities" in Yunnan Province 被引量:3

摘要 Yunnan is one of the most typical mountalnous provinces in western Chi-na. For the geographical features of mountalnous areas accounting for most parts and fIatIand areas accounting for smal parts, the contradiction between farmIand protection and construction guarantee is very prominent. In the first half of 2011, Yunnan Province estabIished creativeIy the strategy of "protecting farmIand in fIat-Iand areas and constructing mountalnous cities" (hereinafter referred to as the strat-egy of "constructing mountalnous cities"), which was almed at protecting effectiveIy the Iimited and high quality arabIe Iand resources in fIatIand area and providing new construction area for new type of urbanization and industrialization, so as to achieve win-win situation between arabIe Iand protection and urbanization deveIopment. Im-pIementing this strategy in Yunnan Province is feasibIe, malnIy in the Iarge deveIop-ment potentials in the gentIe gradient between 8° to 25°. The gentIe sIope area be-tween 8° to 25° occupies 51% of the total Iand area in Yunnan Province, which is almost 140 times of the area of urban construction Iand in Yunnan in 2009. The surrounding areas of fIatIand or maln town in most counties (cities, regions) dis-tribute with different sizes of Iow hiI s and gentIe sIopes, thus mountalnous construc-tion Iand reserves are abundant, which benefits for impeI ing the strategy of "con-structing mountalnous cities" in the Iight of Iocal conditions. 云南是我国西部最为典型的山区省份之一,其山地多、平坝少的地理特征,决定了“保耕地”与“保建设”的矛盾非常突出。2011年上半年,云南省创造性地确立了“保护坝区农田,建设山地城镇”的发展战略(简称“城镇上山”战略),旨在有效地保护坝区有限的优质耕地资源,确保粮食安全和农产品的有效供给,并为新型城镇化与工业化提供新的建设空间,实现保护耕地与保障城镇化发展的双赢,保障边疆农村社会的稳定。云南省实施这一战略有其可行性,主要表现在坡度在8°~25°间的缓坡土地开发潜力巨大,全省坡度8°~25°的缓坡土地约占土地总面积的51%,约相当于2009年末全省城镇用地规模的140倍;大多数县(市、区)坝区周边或主要城镇周边分布着不同规模的低丘缓坡地,具有丰富的山区后备建设用地资源,利于因地制宜地推进"城镇上山"战略。
出处 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第4期769-773,共5页 农业科学与技术(英文版)
基金 Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(41261018)~~
关键词 Constructing mountalnous citles STRATEGY NECESSITY Feasibliity Yunnan Province 城镇上山 战略 必要性 可行性 云南省
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