
核级HEPA过滤器及试验装置的设计研究及验证 被引量:2

Design Research and Verification of Nuclear Related HEPA Filters and Testing Apparatus
摘要 核级HEPA(High Efficiency Particle Air)过滤器是核电厂空气净化系统的重要部件,用于消除在核电厂反应堆运行过程中产生的放射性微粒子。本文从核级HEPA过滤器的工作原理、结构设计、性能参数、试验装置设计和基于独立第三方认证的性能检测试验等方面做了详细论述。 Nuclear related HEPA Filter is an important part of nuclear power plant air cleaning system. It is used for eliminating radioactive particle that is generated during the operation of nuclear power plant reactor. The paper demonstrates the operational principle,structural design,performance,design of testing apparatus and tests based on independent third party qualification.
出处 《发电与空调》 2015年第2期38-42,31,共6页
关键词 核电厂空气净化系统 核级HEPA过滤器 独立第三方认证 nuclear power plant air cleaning system nuclear related HEPA filters independent third party aualification
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  • 2ASME AG-1-2009,Code on Nuclear Air and Gas Treatment[S].
  • 3UL586-2004,High-Efficiency,Particulate,Air Filter Units[S].
  • 4ASME N509-2002,Nuclear Power Plant Air-Cleaning Units and Components[S].



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